Take Home Folders
The weekly Friday Folder is one of the communication instruments between school and home. This system is designed to improve home/school communication by packaging take-home information together and sending it home on a predictable day. (Occasional notices or reminders may be sent home separately on different days, as needed.) It may contain student work, a teacher newsletter, cafeteria menu, and bulletins and announcements from the PTA and AISD. Please read the information in the Friday Folder carefully, and sign and return the folder with your child the following Monday. If you do not receive a Friday Folder, be sure to ask your child where it is. We are striving to decrease the amount of paper information that comes home and will make great efforts to continue to limit hard copy items sent.
Administrator/Parent Coffee
During the school year, the principal holds Coffees to meet with parents on an informal basis. The Coffee is an excellent way to stay current on school happenings, share concerns, and to ask questions you may have about school policies and events.
Class Dojo - Managed by Ms. Doyle
Using this app will give you direct communication with your Dragon Leader and keep you up to date with upcoming events.
If you aren’t on Class Dojo yet do the following:
-Ask your Dragon Leader to add your cell phone number
-Accept the invite and follow steps in the app
Campbell Instagram
Follow the school’s official Instagram account!